Lunch for Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Today's lunch is SPAM sushi.  I'm sure it has a name but I'm just a mid-American girl so I don't know.  I used some soy paper to wrap them.  I also added sugar eyes.  Also in this bento is broccoli, a Babybel cheese, grape tomatoes and soy sauce.

Hopefully soon I will have my order in so I can post my next giveaway.  I have been also buying things for the giveaway after the one coming up.  I love to buy one for me and one for you.  Now if that blasted order would come in, we could have some fun.


  1. These are so cute and they look great in that box! Love it!

  2. It's a wonderful little concoction by those on the Hawaiian isles called Musubi- Spam sushi.
    And those are adorable by the way! <3

  3. Ah that's the name. Yes I have seen it somewhere but was too lazy to look it up.

  4. Cute! I've pinned this and I am a new follower!
