This weekend I went to Whole Foods and bought some yummy goodies. Most of what I got was snacks. But I did manage to pick up strawberries and grapes in addition to all the goodies in the pictures. I know I go overboard at Whole Foods but I just get excited when I see all the things I can't get at my regular grocery store.
Yellow Carrots! |
Organic Cherry Tomatoes |
Coconut pieces with lime |
Purple Jasmine Rice |
Trail Mix |
Wasabi Trail Mix |
For Today's lunch I have Sweet Sour Red Wine Vinegar Chicken, yellow carrots, broccoli, grape tomatoes, wasabi trail mix, spring rolls, grapes, strawberries and a chunk of that coconut. I almost ran out of items to put in my lunch. Especially since I cut back on the carbs in this one. Not making any rice sure does leave a lot of room. But I'm sure there will be rice tomorrow.
The kid did talk me into fixing his lunch as well. He had been spending WAY too much money at school for lunch. I had the cafeteria manager print me a report and he had been spending roughly $5 a day when the regular lunch price is only $2.25. I told him I could not afford to have him eat like that. So we did agree that my lunches were cheaper. It just takes extra time to fix his as well as mine. Only difference in his lunch is he has Teriyaki chicken and some Fruit by the Foot instead of the coconut and trail mix. He had been buying a Fruit by the Foot at school for .70 cents a day. I bought a pack of 12 for $3.50 which makes them around .30 cents each. Less than half the price of the schools!