Lunch for Monday, September 20, 2010

Yesterday we went to Red Lobster for the Endless Shrimp.  OMG it was so good.  We try to make it every year at least once.  My oldest daughter and I see how many pieces of shrimp we can eat.  This year's total... I had 72 and she had 75.  We have ate more in the past but just not this year.  After all that shrimp I surprised myself by coming home and cooking up a bento stash.  I made Lemon Chicken, Sweet and Sour Red Wine Vinegar Chicken, Balsamic Sesame Chicken, Teriyaki Chicken and cooked up some garlic green beans for the week.  After all that cooking I have enough chicken for two weeks of bento's!  Yeah me!

So for today's lunch I packed up some of the Lemon Chicken and some rice balls I had made last week and put in the freezer.  I also put in some of the green beans I made yesterday.  And I made a couple of ladybugs using a grape tomato and nori.  In the smaller section I put some mandarin oranges and some wasabi rice crackers.  By having a stash this went together so much quicker.  Not super cute but it works for me.

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