Lunch for Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Eating out is hurting my wallet.  But we had been putting off going grocery shopping because of other things we were doing to fill our evenings. Finally last night we went to the store.  I don't really feel like I got much and I am sure I forgot a lot of things.  My man had already been there shopping for 30 minutes before I got there and so I was trying to save him from going up and down all the isles AGAIN.  I know I will have to go back to the store for something soon.

For my lunch today I have some chicken nuggets.  I did manage to grab a bag of them while shopping.  I have been wanting to try these for my lunch after seeing so many people make cute things with them.  Unfortunately mine is not cute.  Again in a hurry in the morning and no time in the evening to prep.  I also grabbed one of my mashed potato bake portions from the freezer.  I then cooked up some stirfry noodles and threw in a couple of pieces of broccoli in the water with them at the end.  I didn't even put any fruit in this.  UGH!  I need more hours at home in the evening.

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