Lunch for Thursday, August 19, 2010

I have avoided posting my mundane lunches on here.  I didn't think they really belonged.  I do bring my lunch almost every day but they are not always cute, creative or fun.  Like yesterday, I ate a sandwich, chips and some strawberries all thrown in plastic baggies.  But I have decided to post whatever I eat, no matter what it looks like.  Maybe when I see the shame of my non-cute lunches posted I will put a bit more effort into them.

So for today's lunch I have leftover chicken, veggies and black-eyed peas.  My man cooked most of this meal.  It is so nice to have someone that will just get in the kitchen and help me out.  He cooked the chicken and the black-eyed peas.  I heated up the veggies.  I feel like such a slacker.  All I did was open some bags of frozen veggies, throw them in a pan and turn the heat on.  He marinated the chicken, chopped up jalapenos for the peas and stirred my veggies.  I sat on the sofa reading a magazine.

I have not had black-eyed peas for almost two years.  For my entire life I ate black-eyed peas on New Years Day for good luck.  I have to say I have had crappy luck for many years.  So for the last two New Years Day's I avoided eating them and my luck did change for the better for the most part.  Last night while asking my family what they wanted for dinner, black-eyed peas was mentioned.  I shuttered at the thought of the bad luck it might bring but it did sound good.  So I agreed to trying my luck again with promises that everything would be OK.  Now I am normally not a suspicious person but this is one thing in my life that I changed that worked.  Already today my slider button to silence my cell phone fell off.  Guess I should have just passed on eating them.  So we will see what happens now.

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